About Us
Welcome to Cherry Bomb Toys!
Cherry Bomb Toys is a retail store located downtown in Victoria, BC. The shop has been in business for 20 years! We cater to everyone from the serious collector, families and to the nostalgia. We provide different levels of toys from Mint to Well Loved. Our motto is Toys with Memories Included!
We buy locally so we never really know whats coming in. So much excitement!
During the past decade we have been been working hard at growing some fabulous events in the community like Victoria's Ultimate Hobby & Toy Fair, Capital City Comic Con and Nerdy Days of Christmas Craft Fair.
Check us out on Amazon Prime and YouTube for Season 1 of A Toy Store Near You! It features a bit about our family in our old location and what we experienced during the pandemic as a small business.
We have a HUGE store full of stuff but are limited with our time at the moment running the store and our events. We will be adding items randomly when they come in with collections. Please email us what you are looking for if you need certain items and we will do our best to send photos. We have a huge range of toys from the 50's to now and are getting collections in on a regular basis.
Keep an eye on our social for sales, contests and new products that have arrived. We are also on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and hopefully one day YouTube!

719 Yates Street, Victoria, BC V8W2B1
(250) 385-8697